Baw Baw Physicians

Dr Bethany Crinall - Endocrinologist / General Physician

Dr Crinall is not accepting new referrals to the private rooms. Obstetric patients with endocrine issues can be referred to the combined obstetric/endocrine clinic at Consulting Suite 1 at West Gippsland Healthcare Group.

Dr Bethany Crinall is an Endocrinologist practicing in Baw Baw Physician’s Rooms. She has experience in a broad range of endocrine conditions and welcomes referrals in all areas of endocrinology.

Bethany’s a West Gippsland local who completed high school at Marist Sion College, Warragul. She went on to study a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at Monash University, graduating with honours in 2005. She undertook her Basic Physician’s Training with St Vincent’s Health Melbourne and specialist training in Endocrinology at Western Health, Royal Hobart Hospital and Monash Health. 

Returning to practice in Gippsland has been a long-term goal for Bethany. She has established her commitment to rural medicine as a past president of the Monash University rural health association (WILDFIRE) and a Rural Australia Medical Undergraduate Scholar. She was a recipient of the John Flynn Scholarship Scheme, taking her to a remote Aboriginal community in East Arnhem Land for a series of placements during her medical training. In 2014 she held a position as Clinical Research Fellow with Monash Health, where she undertook research into risk factors for metabolic disease in young Indigenous people. She continues to be passionate about improving health outcomes for rural and remote Australians.

Taking a patient-centred approach to health care, Bethany aims to facilitate patient education and shared-decision making, to improve patients’ health and quality of life. She provides a high quality specialist endocrinology consulting service to her community for endocrine conditions including:

  • Type 1 and type 2 diabetes, including insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring
  • Endocrine and medical conditions in pregnancy
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Adrenal disorders
  • Calcium and parathyroid disorders
  • Osteoporosis and other metabolic bone disease
  • Male and female reproductive endocrinology
  • Transgender medicine
  • Pituitary disorders
  • Neuroendocrinology